Monday, June 16, 2008

A Long Week!

Well I haven't blogged in a while. This last week has been a long and sad week.
As most of you know my grnadmother passed away on Wed. She was 93 and she lived a good christian life. She had Alzheimers and was getting worse. She fell and went to the hospital, they looked her over and thought she had a stroke but it was a UTI they treated her...but her kidney's started to shut down and she stopped breathing with her husband by her side. They we married and just celebrated 63 yearsa few pryor. What a blessing she was to a lot of people. Her voice was something i will never forget. I believe i get my singing gene from her. Her funeral was on Sat. The singing was the hardest to do as well as seeing my grandfather go through it. I have lost a good friend she was only 32. Earleen lived and she was getting worse so i know she is in a better place. I worry for my mom and her brother and especially my grandfather Judd..he is really lost without her. Plus he will have to move to a smaller place and we will be going through all of her things which will be very difficult. Please pray for my family as we cope and comfort each other.
Have a blessed week.
Go hug your family and tell them you love them and thank GOD for thim never know when it will be their last.

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